Drummer Stu's Padded Cell
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Fucking hell

What a fucking effort to get to this shit, I go away for a year and it goes to pot. Wankers. Still, good to see that the boys haven't changed the proverbial locks! I feel like the one who went to uni a boy, and came back a drug addled cockheaded...cock.

Howdi chaps - cheery unkee Stu is back, and more bitter and vitriolic than ever. Since my er - break, I have tried to calm down, moderate my thoughts on that soul sucking myspace thing, and trying not to swear is fucking hard there, I can feel the brain tumour grow bigger and bigger the more I resist the urge to shout out very loudly CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNTS - So I thought I'd bring the old Stu back from retirement.

Oh yeah!

But for a bit of fun, I'm not even gonna bother telling anyone, so if you've found this (brown) Well done you, what do you want, a fucking medal? Fuck off. Cunt. This is about me, not about you or anyone else, self absorbed shit about exorcising demons and saying cunt. A lot.

So what have I learnt since last July?

1. The country is so called because of the people that live there.
2. I will never be totally happy, because I have figured out that I hate everything though it doesn't stop me whining about the fact that my job is shit and I have nothing else to do. Even though I hate London, Ipswich is about a million times worse with no music scene and only a bunch of twats who live breathe and probably puke mindless, tuneless metal / punk / ska shit. Utter, utter pig fucking inbreds.
3. I have become old, boring and even fatter. Fucking lack of disciplin. What a shag.

Couple all that with the fact that I can't be arsed to do anything, and you have one happy chappy.
I'm quite looking forward to writing this again - it's been fun!

Next time, I'll rant about 4x4 drivers. The cuntiest cunts in all of cuntdom.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Saturday, June 24, 2006
Morning all!

This is take two for this blog. I tried to write on Monday evening about my departure, and what the band has meant to me, but it all got a bit too introspective for my liking and a bit - well, uncomfortable. Never show vulnerability! Rule of thumb is, always has been, always will be, when truthful or sincere, always follow it up with a glib remark. For example - leaving the band is the hardest decision I have ever had to make, but Kylies cancer? Karma isn't it. She's a cunt.
Ooh, a bit controversial there. Shouldn't mention the C word (that's Cancer...not....cunt. I can say that all day cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt. I love it!)

Anyway, I detract. I know that to some people the official word on the website is a little confusing and contradictary - its the trademark flippancy that creeps in whenever I try to be serious about anything. Maybe that's been my problem down the years. Maybe I should start to take things a little more seriously sometimes. I've tried it many times, but it just isn't right for me. I guess it stems from insecurity and childhood neuroses and such like. The very fact that I ever had the confidence to join a band was a big deal for me in the first place. I know I'm not the worlds best drummer, hell, I'm only just the best drummer in Pearly (though Bruce is catching up pretty fast!) but ever since I was a kid, all I ever wanted was to be part of the whole band thing.

I had a very romantic vision of being in a band, and desperately wanted a slice of it. I tried playing nearly every instrument under the sun, but was frankly rubbish at nearly every one of them. Then, after my acting career floundered I decided that this was it, this is my dream, this is what I should be doing, so set about learning the drums. So what I was rubbish for months, it was finally something that I loved doing, so no matter how many times I was told by a supportive father that I was rubbish (something that I've been told throughout my life when I'm pursuing things that my dad doesn't approve of. Well thanks dad, you did it again, I hope you're happy.) I stuck with it, slowly got a bit better, then came that leap of actually joining a proper band. That's where Bill, Brown and Bruce came in.

First off, I want to say how much these guys have changed my outlook on life, and what a sincere pleasure it has been being part of something that could have potentially been huge. The past four years have been the happiest of my life. I know that sounds exaggerated, but believe me, that is a modest way of saying how brilliant it has has been.

To anyone that has never been in a band, its difficult to explain the satisfaction that it brings. Not just gigging, but the stuff that no one ever gets to see. Working as a unit to get new songs sounding the way they should, the glances on stage between band mates that signal changes or an end to a song - the sheer fun that it is, its all magical.

In these four years, I have grown up, changed, settled down and life has kind of taken over. Especially in the last few months - especially for me - maybe I think to a certain extent the others too, the band has slipped from being our highest priority. Not through a lack of wanting to make it - that is still there, but as I have already mentioned, life takes over without you noticing.
Now, its not one thing that has spurred my decision to leave the band, its the little things. And you all know that its the little things that niggle away and build up. Indeed, it would have been so much easier if there were a huge blow up, a walk out, an acrimonious split, because there would be no sentiment and no guilt - just an overwhelming drive to show that motherfucker and be determined to be even better without him.

The truth is that it just isn't the case. I've been agonising over this for weeks certainly, maybe months. The main reason has been that I simply don't like London anymore. I think if you can't afford to enjoy the city, then it is possibly the loneliest place you could possibly wish to be. Its a city where, if you can't ride the crest of its wave, it will suck you under and wash you up devoid of any humanity or compassion you ever had. Without roots you are aloof - and my roots have all but disappeared, replaced with anxiety, wondering where the money is going to come from to pay the next bill, to buy the next meal - all that.
The only thing that has kept me here for so long is the band. But the time has come where I have had to be selfish, to put myself first for the sake of my sanity.

The Stu that joined the band is very different from the Stuart who now leaves. When I joined, I craved the rock n roll life - the adoration, the praise, the wrecklessness and late nights - all that. It's all I ever wanted. But really, all that goes well against my natural disposition. I always have been a very introverted person, quite solitary and always hated attention. I don't tell people when my birthday is because I hate the fuss, the pressure and the expectation. After gigs, I prefer to go straight home rather than to talk to people, because I find it very difficult to do so. I can't even phone people I don't know, because I get stricken with a sense of fear, that's the level of insecurity you are dealing with!
So to do things as extroverted as getting up on a stage, I have always created a character in a way. treating it as a role. And the role that I have taken on in this band is an exaggeration of one of my most annoying traits, a polarisation - seen most obviously on this blog for example. And that's great, it has allowed me to be as controversial as I have liked, as annoying as I have cared to be without any recrimination or guilt, because I know that what I say here I don't actually necessarily mean, but it comes to the point where a character consumes you, and even I have become a little confused as to where my natural self ends and where this odious monstrosity begins.

I am a very different person now. I am growing acutely aware of my limits as a drummer. I hate soundchecking my drums. Othe drummers check their sound and then show off their skills with a fantastic solo, and if I was as good as many drummers out there, so would I! At soundcheck, other bands are sitting around, listening to only you doing what the ypresume you have studied for years - and expecting you to be excellent. I am not. I am only a drummer until another drummer steps up, then I am just a bloke who has learnt two or three beats.

I no longer need the attention or kind words, and with that my desire to do this for the rest of my life has - if not totally gone - then has diminished considerably. I want nothing more than to live the life that as a teenager I would have balked at. I want a regular job, I want to live in my own house in the country and I want to get married. All of the things that are on offer right now are what I truly want.

I've always said that after Pearly there would be no more bands for me, and right now, I really believe it. Of course, I can't predict what I'll be doing in Norfolk in six months or a year, but if another band comes along that shows as much passion, talent and friendliness that Pearly has shown, then maybe I'll be persuaded to pick up my sticks again. But to find a band like that twice is like lightening striking again in the same place.

It has been an honour, and I would like to thank you all who have shared in this madness for so long.

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Angry Stu is in....

first up - local elections on Thursday. They piss me off no end - While I have no interest in parlimentary politics at the moment whatsoever, its quite a different matter for grass roots local politics. While parlimentary politicians stand for nothing, a melee of the same shit they all spout and stand for these days, local government is where you can differentiate party ideals and policies - and it pisses me off that the media and the stupid fucking public in this country relate everything back to the Prime Minister, being the cock he is - well, all I can say Britain is I hope you are all fucking happy with your satn cock sucking conservative councils. You all deserve to rot in a pile of horse shit - and no one will care.

And as for the people of Dagenham and Barking... Fucking die you stupid fascist wankers. "But I didn't vote for the BNP - " I don't care - you live there, there's a good chance a member of your family, one of your friends or some one you work with voted for them, you could have stopped them, you could have said "You're a cunt and I don't want to know you" but did you? Really?

You all make me sick to the stomach in the vilest possible way. When you KNEW that the BNP were fielding candidates in nearly every ward, you could have risen up as a community and made it clear that they are not wanted, you could have condemned their actions and their words and all their sickening attempts to appear legit, but you have given them the platform they desperately hoped for to spout their bullshit lies and hatred in a legitimate arena. They are thugs, bullies, murderers and all round human knob rot, and you fell for it. well done.

So lets see what the party you've voted for really stands for - this profile is taken from www.stoptheBNP.org.uk :

The British National Party leader, Nick Griffin, is a hardline fascist. Convicted for inciting race hate, he denies that the Holocaust ever took place and believes that Jews are conspiring against white British people.
Griffin is from a wealthy family with a history of far right involvement. His father, Edwin, took him to his first NF meeting when he was just 15. Griffin’s mother is the administration secretary of the party and stood in the 2001 general election.
When Nick Griffin attended Cambridge University to study law his involvement in extremist politics grew. By 1978, he was the national organiser of the NF.

In 1980, Griffin launched Nationalism Today with the help of Joe Pearce, a convicted racist and editor of Bulldog. Nationalism Today became the springboard for the Third Positionist ideas that the NF later adopted. Through Nationalism Today Griffin and Pearce developed their idea that a “third way” was needed to replace the evils of both capitalism and communism. They felt both were Zionist controlled.
The Third Positionist wing of the NF saw the traditional style of fascist organising as pro-capitalist. Griffin wanted to create a political elite. Based on the blood and soil philosophy of Julius Evola, an Italian National Socialist, Griffin and the NF began to develop their Third Positionist ideas.
But it was also terrorists who were to prove a strong influence on Griffin’s politics. Italian fascist, Roberto Fiore, had arrived in Britain with several others including people implicated in the bombing at Bologna railway station in 1980 in which 85 people were killed.
Griffin and Fiore became close, with the Italian working for Griffin’s tour company, Heritage Tours. Griffin’s father remains Fiore’s personal and business accountant.

Griffin’s BNP may hate Islamic fundamentalists now. But this has not always been the case. After his faction took control of the NF, they began to make some strange alliances. They met with representatives of Colonel Gaddafi’s regime through the Libyan People’s Bureau in London, and expressed support for Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini.
Rank and File members of the NF were not too pleased when Griffin, in 1985, praised the black separatist Louis Farrakhan: “White nationalists everywhere wish (Farrakhan) well, for we share a common struggle for the same ends: Racial Separation and Racial Freedom”.
During this period, Griffin and other NF leaders took an all-expenses paid trip to Libya, as guests of the Gaddafi regime to obtain funding.
National Front News wrote at the time: “Common interest must be turned into practical cooperation. Those involved must work to nail the media lies which are used by our enemies to try and divide us and make us afraid to be seen standing side by side with Third Way nations such as Libya and Iran”. Ironic that Griffin once allied himself so closely with Muslim countries that he now condemns as terrorist states. But political gymnastics have been constant throughout Griffin’s life. His bizarre ideologies have changed like the wind.

In 1989, he left the NF and formed the International Third Position, a fanatically Catholic fascist group. The ITP campaigned against Coca Cola, McDonalds, urbanisation and “Zionism” His involvement did not last beyond a few years. In 1991, after a failed business venture, Griffin went his own way.

In 1995, Griffin joined the BNP. He began to edit The Rune, an anti-Semitic quarterly. He also announced that the BNP should prioritise denying the Holocaust to schoolchildren.
He earned a two-year suspended prison sentence for his sick views on the Holocaust. In 1998 he was found guilty of inciting race hatred at Harrow Crown Court for denying that the Holocaust ever took place.

But now Griffin tries to pretend the BNP is respectable. The ITP have also been baffled by Griffin’s incoherence. It recently declared: “He has been a conservative, a revolutionary nationalist, a radical National Socialist, a Third Positionist, a friend of the ‘boot boys’ and the skinhead scene, a man committed to respectable politics and electioneering, a ‘moderniser’. Which is he in reality? Perhaps he has been all these quite sincerely – in which case his judgement is abysmal; or perhaps he has been none of them sincerely – which speaks for itself!”

Griffin immediately had his sights upon leading the BNP. He became editor of Spearhead, the then BNP magazine, from 1996 until his split from former leader John Tyndall in 1999.
He yearned for a BNP that was reputable and modern. The label of Nazism tarnished the group’s image, and Griffin wanted to copy the more intellectual far right parties on the continent. But though he spoke of the need for a community-based politics, his words in The Rune showed his real colours. “The electors of Millwall did not back a post-modernist Rightist Party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan “Defend Rights for Whites’ with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate”.

Racism is at the very heart of the British National Party. It is racism that separates it from any other political party. And it is racism that attracts many of its members.
Of course the BNP denies this. It knows how hateful its views appear, and has tried to make its language less crude. But the song remains the same. BNP publications are still filled with racist articles, lies about immigration and asylum, and distorted figures in an attempt to portray black people as criminals and dole scroungers.

Today, the BNP has dropped its policy of compulsory repatriation and replaced it with a voluntary scheme. Make no mistake about it, this move is designed to win over supporters. The party recognise that the vast majority of people found its previous policy abhorrent. But the small print of BNP policy makes clear its true aims. The BNP claims that a BNP led government would consider forcible repatriation if not enough “non-whites” took up its offer.
If the BNP does not publicly support compulsory repatriation, it makes no attempt to hide its backing for an apartheid state in Britain. Current party literature proposes to “protect and preserve the racial and cultural integrity of the British people – and of others too, the party believes in separation”.

According to the BNP 2001 general election manifesto, “native Britons”, who they claim can only be white, would be given priority in the job market. “Non-whites” would instantly become second class citizens in Britain.
Any black person who commits a crime would also be thrown out of the country, even those who were born here.
Mixed race relationships would be outlawed.

Privately, the BNP leaders have continued to air their real political views. “All black people will be repatriated, even if they were born here”, BNP leader Nick Griffin told Wales on Sunday in 1996. “We must preserve the white race, because it has been responsible for all the good things in civilisation”.
According to party number two, Tony Lecomber, the preservation of the white race can be done through a racial eugenic programme.

The BNP supported ethnic cleansing in the Kosovan crisis. “The Serbs’ real crime isn’t the harshness with which they have expelled so many of the Albanian Muslims who having become the majority in the Kosovan heart of Serbia by a mixture of immigration, a high birth rate, and low level ethnic cleansing of the native Serbs… No! The real crime in the eyes of the powerful advocates of a multi-racial New World Order is for any people to demand the right to preserve their own identity and freedom”.

The BNP says they have no truck with “race hate”. Another outrageous lie. The jokes, caricatures, cartoons and articles depict black people as stupid, criminally minded and ugly. Time and again, BNP publications talk about the genetic superiority of the white race.
Several BNP members have put this racism into practice:
Former National Organiser Richard Edmonds was convicted for his part in a vicious bottle attack on a mixed race couple in a pub in East London 1993
BNP supporter Stuart Kerr was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for firebombing an Asian shop in Chichester, Sussex
BNP leader Nick Griffin was convicted of incitement to racial hatred in April 1998
London nail bomber: David Copeland The BNP organiser for Waltham Forest, Alan Gould, was convicted of racially abusing people in a pub in 2000
Former BNP member David Copeland was sentenced to six life sentences after planting bombs in London. He wanted to start a race war.

On other occasions, the BNP has glorified racist attacks. In 1991, the BNP newspaper gloated after several BNP supporters stabbed an African immigrant at London Bridge station. The victim had his “kidney surgically removed”, the paper boasted. In the same year, the BNP leadership whipped up a racist riot in Bermondsey, London, and led an attack on an anti-racist meeting that was protesting against the BNP headquaters in Welling. Thirteen people needed hospital treatment.
A BNP presence has almost always culminated in “race hate”. When Derek Beackon was elected as a BNP councillor in Millwall, racist attacks in the area soared by 300%

The British National Party claims to favour a democracy. Indeed they see themselves as its only advocates in a system where it is in tatters. Another lie. Over the years a number of BNP leaders have given us an insight into their idea of democracy.
John Tyndall, who founded the BNP, once said, “with the numbers of murderous asocials and perverts on the increase, as a result of our sick society, there will be an unanswerable case when the day for the great clean up comes, to implement the final solution against these sub-human elements by means of the gas chambers” (Spearhead 1965).
In 1976, Tyndall told the East London Advertiser, “When we get to power our opponents will be swept away like flies”.
Current leader Nick Griffin told Wales on Sunday in 1997, “The politicians, those in charge of the mass media, police chiefs and others responsible for creating this multi-racial hell hole must face trial and pay the ultimate penalty”.

Griffin’s contempt for the political process was evident when he told supporters in 1996 that the BNP needed to be seen as “a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan, ‘Defend Rights for Whites’, with well directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate”.
He went on to add, “It is more important to control the streets of a city than its council chamber. If that is the sort of ‘unreasonable’ attitude that journalists and opponents try to use against us at election times, it shouldn’t bother us”.

The BNP’s scorn for democracy is clear through its disregard for election rules.
In May 2002 one of its candidates in Sunderland stood for election despite having a recent conviction for fraud which disbarred him from standing
In May 2001, six BNP council candidates in Burnley were excluded after it was discovered that several of the people who were supposed to have signed the nomination papers denied doing so.
Deception also played a role in a council by-election in Three Rivers, Hertfordshire in November 2000. Several people who signed the form nominating BNP member Ian Edwards later complained that they were unaware of what they were signing. This included an 80-year-old Labour Party member.
In 2000, BNP member John Haycock was elected unopposed to a parish council in Bromyard. He was sacked from the council nine months later for non-attendance. More contempt for democracy.
Colin Smith, a key member of the BNP gave an address in Beckton, despite actually living in Bexleyheath. In May 1998, Smith stood in two local council elections simultaneously, using separate addresses to meet the residence requirement in each case.

During the passage through Parliament of the Representation of the People act 2000, Home Secretary Jack Straw specifically noted the BNP abuse in his speech introducing the Bill.
In the House of Commons 50 MPs signed an Early Day Motion condemning the BNP’s actions. It read, “This house deplores the unlawful action of the racist and fascist British National Party in once again breaching the Representation of the People Act”.
One candidate, Paul Henderson, stood under a false name. In Scotland, where the BNP fielded eight candidates, seven were not living at the addresses given on their nomination forms.
In the June 1999 elections, the BNP lied and cheated its way to a five-minute party political broadcast and the free delivery of 15 million leaflets by the Royal Mail. As many as 15 BNP candidates, out of a total of 79, gave false addressed on their nomination forms.

The BNP use dirty tricks. In November 2002 they secured their fourth councillor when Robin Evans won Mill Hill ward in Blackburn. Their campaign was based on deception and lies. In one leaflet a picture of Finsbury Park mosque was printed, with a caption stating that Muslims there celebrated the September 11th attacks. It neglected to tell voters that this mosque was in London.
Another ludicrous claim – that Asians were likely to become the majority in Blackburn within 10 years – was aimed at stoking up fear based on misinformation. In fact the non-white population stands at one-fifth in the town.
Forgery was even attempted when the BNP produced a leaflet purporting to come from the Liberal Democrats. Under the title “Caring for Ethnic Minorities” the leaflet urged people to vote Lib Dem if they wanted more money spent on Asians and asylum seekers. The leaflet is now under police investigation. A similar dirty tricks campaign was used in the Mixenden by-election in Halifax.

Even when the BNP do manage to take a seat on the council, their disrespect for the political process is obvious. In Halifax and Burnley, BNP councillors failed to attend the crucial budget meeting that sets council tax and spending for the coming year. This was in spite of promising voters that they would fight for tax cuts. In Burnley, all three councillors were absent from the most important meeting of the year.
These facts prove the BNP’s total disregard for democracy. Democracy would, after all, be swept away if the BNP ever gained power.

So, if you voted for them, or even ever thought "hmm, they have a point, I hope that you know what the hell you're doing, and if, after finding the truth you still empathise with the BNP, fuck you. You're a disgrace, kill yourself, do this country a favour.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Angry Stu is out. Thoughtful reflective Stu is in… for now.
I’ve not updated my blog for what seems like an eternity – but that’s because the nasty people at work want us to….work. Bastards.

So I will now write it in word and email it to myself everyday so I can do it at home, until I am bored again.

So I’m all confused today because Its Tuesday, but should really be a Monday or something, I don’t know, I’m not good with days. Why do they all end with Day anyway? Can’t we give them names that are a bit more…I don’t know, jolly? Like Bikini or Starburst or something. I’d get out of bed.

I’ve spent all day so far doing an application form for the police force. Looks like a laugh. Not actually being a policeman mind, that’s a bit full on, just a back room boy getting my mates into trouble – looking forward to it – but I hate filling out forms. I get bored really quickly, especially writing the personal statement bit. “I dive” demonstrates what? That I’m a liar? Fair enough, but I usually end up making things up and not actually writing about me at all. Today I’ve invented an Oxford Graduate who likes to tend to wild boar in his spare time. Something to do isn’t it.

I also called a lady at work ugly today. The way I see things, you shouldn’t give people false hope, and to be fair, she is the wrong side of forty and has no right to be making an effort anymore – its just false hope really, I’m just telling the truth for her own good. Think she isn’t talking to me at the moment. She’ll get over it.

I’m feeling a bit weak afer the weekend – yesterday we ended up in a gay bar in Soho. I’m not going to indulge the stereotypes or any of that rubbish – some of my best friends are gay (Evidenced by the fact that we went there with said gay friend…not that it’s a big deal him being gay or anything, but it explains why we were in a gay bar, not that you have to be gay to go into one, obviously, but…well, you get the point.)
I’ve been there before while drunk and while its fun dancing o Kylie half hour, you can’t help but think they don’t do themselves any favours by having…well…Kylie half hours and such like. Every music video that was shown on the huge TV screens reinforced the stereotypical gay images – Britney, Pink, some boy / girl / boygirl band or other (they were scary) And the pink décor was a bit brash. But what made it really stand out as a gay bar were all the homosexuals that were in there. Strange, but I quite like a bit of Britney, so I’d probably go there again.

I’m going to go off and have some adventures before tomorrow so I can write again, Its been quite fun, might catch on this writing lark.

Then again…

Monday, February 20, 2006
I know its all old news new, but I couldn't do it - I couldn't put in prison, I couldn't have em locked up and the key thrown away. I'm a softy, a wimp, a yellow belly - call it what you want, I don't care!

And you haven't a clue what I'm on about do you? Ha! OK, read the next entry then come back......go!

welcome back - now you see. Well. There. It turns out I'm a bloody liberal after all. damn and blast. I say legalise all drugs and prostitution, and teach sex education from Birth. Yeah...maan.

My dad is so proud of me! Its probably just as well he thinks I'm wasting my life in a band, otherwise he'll get mighty offended reading the shit I write!!!

I'm watching a documentary about a two headed freak - I know it SOUNDS hilarious, but its actually really boring. when will people learn that freaks aren't there to be filmed to make serious films about to enlighten millions, they are there to make the rest of us laugh at their freakish disfigurements and woe. I'm ashamed of television, its betrayed me once again.

Why have the serious medical music (you know the kinda music) when you can have a Loony Tunes style ditty over visual of the two heads being seperated. PRIME TIME people, just let me tell you that....

Anyway, I have nothing to say, so I'm gonna go and drop some intellectual log...

Thursday, February 09, 2006
I'm stockpiling my blogs this week because my computer is possibly the most useless waste of oil reserves moulded and heated into some kind of shape or other.

What will happen when Oil runs out incidentally? Will plastic be as valuable as gold?

Anyway, focus stu, Focus..

I have had a pretty up and down week.

I lost my wallet at work on Tuesday - it fell out of my poscket on the way up to my office from the college shop. Thankfully my wallet was given back to me by a student of mine- but bI'll be damned if the pikeys fucked off with my money.

I wouldn't have bothered, but it was fifty pounds, and I don't get paid alot to be trapped inside that opression chamber for eight hours a day five days a week.

So I reported my money stolen to the college policeman (oh yeah - we have one of those!) and luck enough, it was all caught on CCTV.

It turns out that the girls who handed me back my wallet were the girls that took my hard earned cash.. ALL UNDER THE CCTV!!! How fucking stupid can you get. If they had never have handed me back my wallet, they wouldn't have been caught out. Now bear in mind I work in a college, turning out the business people, the MP's, The brains of tomorrow - Ha! Its a fucking joke - they can't even steal some money without making themselves look like remedial cases.

Bear in mind it was all on camera, It still took them three and a half hours to confess...and even then they didn't want to say they did it, so instead they wrote it down.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Written confessions to boot - ITS PRECIOUS! dumbfucks.

AND they were in my class two hours after the incident had taken place, calm as anything - te gall of these girls is UNBELIEVABLE!

I probably shouldn't be publishing this on the internet for potentially millions of people to read, as its still in the hands of police and what not, but fuck it!

Now I have a difficult decision to make. I know these kids come from disadvantaged backgrounds, I know they don't have much of a chance of a decent future if they are branded so early on in their lives, but screw that - I WANT REVENGE!!!!

The only thing stopping me is the fact that one of the girls is really nice, never been in trouble, and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She broke down and confessed everything as soon as she was confronted, and wants to give me my money back, as she didn't spend it, and didn't want it. But the other two are stupid evil bitches who deserve a bit of shock treatment, but the police can't arrest two and not the other soooo...what do I do?

Answers on a postcard please!

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